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T.railer T.rash

Je n'ai pas envie d'en parler. Pas parce que je n'en suis pas contente. Au contraire. Et justement. Parce que je le suis trop, encore. J'attendrais un moment, histoire que ça passe.

Eating snow flakes with plastic forks
And a paper plate of course
you think of everything
Short love with a long divorce
And a couple of kids of course
They don't mean anything
Live in trailers with no class
goddamn I hope I can pass
high school means nothing
Taking heartache with hard work
Goddamn I am such a jerk
I can't do anything
And I shout that you're all fakes
And you should have seen the look on your face
And I guess that's what it takes
When comparing your bellyaches
And it's been a long time
Which agrees with this watch of mine
And I know that I miss you
And I'm sorry that I dissed you


Facile à dire, n'empêche. Le concert arrive. Mercredi. On va s'amuser, je le sens.



Clown : Bukowski, le Dimanche 20 Février 2005, 21:55, Chapitaux Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes.